Some grooming brushes available to the dog owner combine pins and
bristles, two different brush sides which can be used for two different
types of dog coats. Linzey Dog Grooming, professional dog groomers
established by Erica Ciara Linzey in 2012, also offers matt combs,
specially created combs which help cut matted hair out of a dog’s coat
without rendering the dog a bald spot. Dog owners with Newfoundland or
Siberian Huskie breeds, dogs which are double-coated, benefit from the
rake tool. This dog grooming specialty tool removes dead hair from
undercoats, penetrating deeply to remove loose hair much more
efficiently than a standard dog currycomb.
Dog grooming expert Erica Ciara Linzey of Davis, California in the United States has owned and operated her Linzey Dog Grooming in that city since 2012. Linzey Dog Grooming offers a variety of grooming services, and especially encourages the owner to become a daily groomer through the use of specialty tools available to customers at her shop. Linzey Dog Grooming offers the Coat King, a type of stripping knife which enables the home groomer to hand strip the dead undercoat before clipping. The Coat King is a relatively new grooming tool in the dog grooming industry, but has become popular quickly. Home groomers can also purchase stand dryers, which can dry a pet’s coat quickly. These dryers are essential in the grooming shop, as pets must not leave the facility wet. Shops may use Stand Driers, Cage Driers or Hand Driers, and professional shops use dryers especially made for pets, as human dryers could cause dry skin or sores.
Dog grooming expert Erica Ciara Linzey of Davis, California in the United States has owned and operated her Linzey Dog Grooming in that city since 2012. Linzey Dog Grooming offers a variety of grooming services, and especially encourages the owner to become a daily groomer through the use of specialty tools available to customers at her shop. Linzey Dog Grooming offers the Coat King, a type of stripping knife which enables the home groomer to hand strip the dead undercoat before clipping. The Coat King is a relatively new grooming tool in the dog grooming industry, but has become popular quickly. Home groomers can also purchase stand dryers, which can dry a pet’s coat quickly. These dryers are essential in the grooming shop, as pets must not leave the facility wet. Shops may use Stand Driers, Cage Driers or Hand Driers, and professional shops use dryers especially made for pets, as human dryers could cause dry skin or sores.