Friday, 30 September 2016

Erica Linzey - Common Mistakes Made By New Parents

Erica Linzey is a happily married woman who has two children by her husband Andrew. Having welcomed a baby daughter into the world in late-2015, she is now working to make sure that she is the best parent that she can be, both to her daughter and slightly older son. She knows how difficult this can be to those who have only just had their first child, so it is important that you avoid the following mistakes that many new parents make.
Erica Linzey

It is only natural that you are going to feel extremely protective of your child, which often means that you end up overreacting to things that are really no big deal. While it is important to be attentive so that you notice legitimate issues, spending too much time worrying about the little stuff will deprive you of that wonderful first year of raising your child.

Not Making Time For Themselves
Many new parents focus all of their efforts on their children, often to the point where they stop taking time from themselves. It is good to give yourself a break every so often so that you can recharge your batteries and catch up with those closest to you.

Not Making Time For The Relationship
Erica Linzey points out that all new parents need to make sure they spend time focusing on their relationship as well as the development of their children. Enjoy date nights and take advantage of any chance that you get to spend some time together.

Thursday, 22 September 2016

Erica Linzey - Common Driving Mistakes To Avoid

Erica Linzey founded Linzey Dog Grooming in 2012 with the aim of providing a quality service to people in Davis, California. In addition to working with the dogs she is asked to groom, she also takes responsibility for driving them to and from different locations. This means that she needs to avoid many of the common mistakes that drivers tend to make, which include all of the below.

Erica LinzeyPoor Seat Positioning

It is remarkable how much of a difference the position of your seat can make to your driving. Being too far back may result in you stretching for the wheel or pedals, which means that you have less control over the vehicle. As such, you need to take the time to find the right seat position so that you can drive safely at all times.

Not Checking Blind Spots

Every vehicle has a blind spot that can’t be checked by looking in your mirrors. This means that it is important that you check it yourself before you pull away. This should usually be as simple as a quick glance over your shoulder to make sure nothing is coming, but failure to check could result in an accident being caused.

Poor Signals

As a road user, Erica Linzey understands how important it is for the drivers around her to understand what she is doing, so that they can react accordingly. Many drivers, even those with a lot of experience, will often fail to use their signals correctly, which confuses other road users and increases the chances of accidents happening.

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

Erica Linzey - Tips For Keeping Dog Fur Under Control

As a professional dog groomer who has been servicing the needs of people in Davis, California since she opened her own business in 2012, Erica Linzey understands that one of the biggest problems that owners face, especially those who have long-haired dogs, is keeping on top of the amount of fur in their houses. There are a number of things that you can do to stay on top of this issue, including all of the below.

Erica Linzey

Regular Brushing
Brushing is great for your dog and you in a number of ways. Not only does it allow you to get rid of shedding fur in a controlled manner, but it will also help you to keep the dog’s coat healthy by stimulating hair follicles in order to encourage the growth of fresh and healthy fur. Furthermore, you will be able to keep an eye out for infestations if you brush regularly.

As well as you groom your dog, it is likely that there is still going to be some fur getting shed in your home. As such, it is important that you vacuum regularly so that you can get rid of it. Pay particular attention to areas where dogs spend a lot of time and places like children’s bedrooms.

Furniture Covers
Erica Linzey points out that buying blankets and other covers for your furniture will allow you to have your dog on the sofa or chairs, without you having to deal with the fur being left behind on the actual furniture. Instead, you can just vacuum and wash the covers to get rid of the majority of it.