Monday 16 October 2017

Erica Ciara Linzey: How to be Professional Dog Groomer

Erica Ciara Linzey has made a living during her many years living and working in Davis, California by, as Erica Ciara Linzey puts it, “creating my own luck.” Linzey means that she learned the many skills and practices that go into professional dog grooming by working hard in entry level and eventually management positions. 

Erica Ciara Linzey was hired at an elite, boutique dog grooming company in Davis and now is known as one of the best groomers in the city. 

Erica Ciara Linzey knew that to be a successful, professional dog groomer, she had to absorb the correct skills for the job. She started at an entry-level position at her local PetSmart, working part time as a part of a team of bathers, groomers, and managers to learn the ropes. 

Soon after she rose in the company and took on more responsibility, she took another job at an up-and-coming boutique pet salon in Davis, where she joined an elite group of groomers and started building her own pipeline of customers. 

Erica Ciara Linzey learned more about marketing her services to the right people who needed excellent pet grooming services and is now a valued member of the boutique’s team.

Friday 6 October 2017

Erica Ciara Linzey: Beach Volleyball

Erica Ciara Linzey is a former high school volleyball captain who loves to spend time on the beach playing with friends. She joined a competitive adult beach volleyball league and spends time practicing and going hard on the hot sand. Linzey is a professional dog groomer who has built up a following of loyal clients in the Davis, California area. 

Erica Ciara Linzey says that she “plays for pride and for fun, but mostly for my teammates.” Her beach volleyball team has been together for five years now, playing each season with renewed gusto and motivation. Last season, Linzey’s team took the City Cup, the adult’s league championship, and they have worked hard to repeat next season.

For Linzey, fueling her competitive side helps her with her job as a groomer, when she often has to beat out other groomers for customers throughout the city. 

EricaCiara Linzey finds time to train with her team and create new experiences in winning and supporting each other on the beach volleyball court.

Friday 29 September 2017

Erica Ciara Linzey: Three Benefits of Dog Grooming Beyond the Obvious

You may only think about getting your dog groomed in the summer when his hair starts to shed from the heat. But regular visits to a truly professional and skilled dog groomer like Erica Ciara Linzey has many benefits beyond the prerequisite hair trim: 

Nail clipping

Most dog groomers like Erica Ciara Linzey also offer toenail clipping services. Cutting your dog’s nails is more tricky and potentially dangerous than cutting your own nails. City dogs can wear their nails down on the pavement in some cases, but long nails can cause discomfort and even toe injuries over time. 


It’s no surprise that most dog groomers offer bathing services for dogs in addition to hair trimming and brushing. While some dogs don’t need many regular baths, others can benefit greatly from a bath to remove tangles, grit, dirt, and excess hair. 


Nail grinding

For dogs that don’t file their nails down on their own by walking on pavement, nail grinding services help avoid broken nails and other painful injuries resulting from rough, uneven, long nails.
EricaCiara Linzey has proven her skills over her career as a dog groomer in Davis and retains a regular roster of clients.

Friday 15 September 2017

Why we need to trim your Dog’s Nails expert advice by Erica Ciara Linzey

Erica Ciara Linzey is a professional dog groomer living and working in Davis, California. She has helped many dogs and their families gain the peace of mind that comes from knowing their dog is healthy and happy. Linzey has trimmed nails, bathed dogs, cut their hair, and suggested new and better ways to her customers for their dog’s improved health.

Erica Ciara Linzey knows the struggle of a dog owner. You want to get your dog the best care possible without sacrificing your own financial security and health to do so. Many dog owners simply groom their dog at home.

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Sunday 18 June 2017

Erica Ciara Linzey: Three Ways to Protect your Skin from the Sun

As a Davis, California resident, Erica Ciara Linzey loves to sunbathe. She enjoys the feel of the sun on her skin and the tone it gives her skin when she’s finished. Erica Ciara Linzey is a professional dog groomer living in Davis with a small but growing customer base for her grooming services. 

An expert in keeping dog skin and hair healthy, she has also become an expert in preserving her own skin’s health. Linzey has learned from mistakes in the past that have caused her sunburns and other skin damage. Here are three ways to protect your skin from the sun, even if you enjoy sunbathing as much as Erica Linzey:

  • Lather up. Erica Ciara Linzey knows this is an obvious tip, but lathering with at least a low-SPF sunscreen product while laying out in the sun will protect you from the worst of the sun’s potential damage. Using suntan oils with natural skin-building components like fish oil and other lipids will help prevent sun damage as well. 
Recommended post:
  • Avoid sunbathing between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Easier said than done, but in those endless early evenings and afternoons in the summer, it’s best for your skin to get your sunbathing in outside of these midday hours.
  • Use the sun, not a tanning lamp. Although Erica Linzey enjoys getting a good base tan going, she mostly sticks to using the sun as her tanning lamp. Tanning beds can tend to make your skin extra crispy without your knowledge. 

Erica Ciara Linzey loves to add some tone to her skin and relax in the sun by sunbathing on a regular basis near her home. 

Monday 12 June 2017

Erica Ciara Linzey shared her love with Volleyball

Erica Ciara Linzey played volleyball for her school group before she graduated and started her vocation as a puppy groomer. Situated in Davis, California, regardless she gets the chance to play volleyball in her neighborhood grown-up games alliances, where she his rapidly assembling a wild notoriety for herself.

Erica Ciara Linzey was acquainted with the game by her mom, who played in school also and was viewed as a top player amid her university vocation. Linzey's relationship with the game began when her mom began playing an amusement with her that included the greater part of the most well-known volleyball activities in one.

Sunday 4 June 2017

Erica Ciara Linzey: Three Tips to Improve your Drawing Skills

Not all of us are blessed with the artistic talent or even the inclination for drawing or painting. Erica Ciara Linzey didn’t go to college for Fine Arts, nor is she a professional artist, but she still finds her basic sketching and drawing skills very useful in her everyday life. Imagine if you could accurately draw that Cranium clue next time. You would dominate your friends. 

Linzey is no professional teacher, but she has learned three tips to instantly improve your drawing and sketching skills anyone can use:

  • Copy famous drawings. As with anything artistic, practice makes perfect. So does imitation. Leonardo Da Vinci and Michelangelo won’t mind if you copy their work. They might even be a little flattered. Erica Ciara Linzey learned more than she could explain in words by sketching some of the most famous drawings over again.
  • Draw your favorite photographs. If you’re looking for inspiration to draw something, look no further than your own personal photographs. Pay attention to the edges, shapes, and angles of representations of real life and try to imitate their precision with your pen or pencil.
  • Keep a sketchbook. What better way to practice your art than by walking around ready to sketch at a moment’s notice? The more you draw, the more you’ll be inspired to draw what you see in your everyday life.
Erica Ciara Linzey has worked on her drawing skills for years and is now an accomplished sketch artist in her own right. She works as a dog groomer and plays a mean game of Cranium. 

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