Friday 29 September 2017

Erica Ciara Linzey: Three Benefits of Dog Grooming Beyond the Obvious

You may only think about getting your dog groomed in the summer when his hair starts to shed from the heat. But regular visits to a truly professional and skilled dog groomer like Erica Ciara Linzey has many benefits beyond the prerequisite hair trim: 

Nail clipping

Most dog groomers like Erica Ciara Linzey also offer toenail clipping services. Cutting your dog’s nails is more tricky and potentially dangerous than cutting your own nails. City dogs can wear their nails down on the pavement in some cases, but long nails can cause discomfort and even toe injuries over time. 


It’s no surprise that most dog groomers offer bathing services for dogs in addition to hair trimming and brushing. While some dogs don’t need many regular baths, others can benefit greatly from a bath to remove tangles, grit, dirt, and excess hair. 


Nail grinding

For dogs that don’t file their nails down on their own by walking on pavement, nail grinding services help avoid broken nails and other painful injuries resulting from rough, uneven, long nails.
EricaCiara Linzey has proven her skills over her career as a dog groomer in Davis and retains a regular roster of clients.