Not all of us are blessed with the artistic talent or even the
inclination for drawing or painting. Erica Ciara Linzey didn’t go to college
for Fine Arts, nor is she a professional artist, but she still finds her basic
sketching and drawing skills very useful in her everyday life. Imagine if you
could accurately draw that Cranium clue next time. You would dominate your
Linzey is no professional teacher, but she has learned three tips to
instantly improve your drawing and sketching skills anyone can use:
- Copy famous drawings. As with anything artistic, practice makes perfect. So does imitation. Leonardo Da Vinci and Michelangelo won’t mind if you copy their work. They might even be a little flattered. Erica Ciara Linzey learned more than she could explain in words by sketching some of the most famous drawings over again.
- Draw your favorite photographs. If you’re looking for inspiration to draw something, look no further than your own personal photographs. Pay attention to the edges, shapes, and angles of representations of real life and try to imitate their precision with your pen or pencil.
- Keep a sketchbook. What better way to practice your art than by walking around ready to sketch at a moment’s notice? The more you draw, the more you’ll be inspired to draw what you see in your everyday life.
Erica Ciara Linzey has worked on her drawing skills for years
and is now an accomplished sketch artist in her own right. She works as a dog
groomer and plays a mean game of Cranium.
Visit to know more about her.