Friday 30 September 2016

Erica Linzey - Common Mistakes Made By New Parents

Erica Linzey is a happily married woman who has two children by her husband Andrew. Having welcomed a baby daughter into the world in late-2015, she is now working to make sure that she is the best parent that she can be, both to her daughter and slightly older son. She knows how difficult this can be to those who have only just had their first child, so it is important that you avoid the following mistakes that many new parents make.
Erica Linzey

It is only natural that you are going to feel extremely protective of your child, which often means that you end up overreacting to things that are really no big deal. While it is important to be attentive so that you notice legitimate issues, spending too much time worrying about the little stuff will deprive you of that wonderful first year of raising your child.

Not Making Time For Themselves
Many new parents focus all of their efforts on their children, often to the point where they stop taking time from themselves. It is good to give yourself a break every so often so that you can recharge your batteries and catch up with those closest to you.

Not Making Time For The Relationship
Erica Linzey points out that all new parents need to make sure they spend time focusing on their relationship as well as the development of their children. Enjoy date nights and take advantage of any chance that you get to spend some time together.